Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Welcome To The World

She's here!! Welcome to the world Autumn Johanna Davis. Born September 23rd at 12:27 pm, 7 lbs 1 ounce and 21 inches long. This is her birth story.

At my last drs appointment on Wednesday the 21st I was absolutely sure my dr would announce I had made some progress, as I had been having contractions the last couple of days and I was already 2 days overdue. I was sad to hear that I had not made any progress at all, and that my dr wanted to schedule an induction for Friday. We agreed to the induction but later on that day I started having second thoughts. Why did he want to induce me so early? I would just be 4 days overdue on that Friday and many women go up to 2 weeks past their due date as a first time mom. I was stressing over it all day and finally decided that I would go to the hospital Friday and if I still felt unsure about it after talking to the doctor I wouldnt go through with it. Luckily, I was spared the whole induction!

Thursday evening Skyler, my mom, my MIL and I went to dinner at Outback to celebrate the last evening without a baby. I was starting to get excited that we would actually get to meet baby the next day. Halfway through dinner, around 10 pm, contractions came on all of a sudden fast and hard, so I pulled out my phone to start timing them with my handy contraction timing app. They were coming on 2 minutes and 50 seconds apart consistently, strong enough that I couldnt swallow the Bloomin Onion or respond to the waitress' pregnancy questions. They kept on coming, and after a while I realized that this was it, I was actually in labor. I told everyone we better go home and get our bag and head to the hospital. On the way home the contractions kept on, getting stronger and I just couldnt get over the fact that I was actually in labor. We showered quickly and packed the car and headed to the hospital. We arrived about 11:30 and we were sent to L&D room #2. The dr came in to check me. I was 1 1/2 centimeters and 90 percent effaced. I was happy that I had made a little progress but was irked when my doctor told me I had to walk for a couple hours. However, they were admitting me, which was good news, and I wouldnt have to be induced, which was better news. So we started walking, every other hour for an hour. The contractions made walking difficult, they were still coming every couple minutes and I had to stop and breathe through them. The stronger they got the more miserable I felt. Skyler held my hand and let me lean on him when they got too strong. I started losing lots of mucous plug, and the contractions continued on. Around 2:30 I stopped in the hall during a particularly painful one. I felt a pop, and I knew my water broke. We went to tell the nurse and she had me sit on the toilet so she could strip test the fluid. She looked and told me that it wasnt my water and there was not enough fluid. I was convinced it was my water as I felt the fluid gush out more. She ignored me and told me to get in bed and I could have my IV. I was dreading the hand IV because I knew it was going to hurt. And to make matters worse, the nurse hit a valve in my hand and blew my vein. It was in between contractions so I couldnt decide which was more painful. She tried again and finally got the IV set. She started my fluids. The contractions continued on and started to become unbearable. I was checked a couple more times and was making more progress. Still at this point nobody acknowledged that my water had broken. The contractions got bad enough that I asked for some pain meds. I was given Fentanyl and it immediately made me drowsy. The contractions still hurt really bad but I was so drugged I couldnt react. I. was. MISERABLE. Whomever said contractions feel like bad poop pains and period cramps LIED. I thought I was going to DIE. As they continued I didnt know how I was going to make it through. I asked for more pain meds. I wanted to puke. I asked for a barf bag. I called my mom and asked her to come, as I glared at Skyler who was snoozing in the recliner by the bed. I wanted to stab him, I was so mad that I was in so much pain and he was sleeping. SERIOUSLY?? The next couple of hours are a blur, thanks to the pain meds. I asked for my epidural and they said that the anesthesiologist was busy and offered more Fentanyl. I didnt want anything except my epidural and for someone to bury me alive in the ground. It was AWFULLLL. Around 7 am a man entered the room. OH THANK GOD i exclaimed, certain he was here with the giant needle of pain relief. I was then told that he was the dr, not the drug man. DAMMIT. Of course the one doctor from the practice that I had never met was the one on duty that day. Oh well, at that moment I didnt care I just wanted the baby out. I was checked again. 8 1/2 centimeters where the hell was my epidural. More Fentanyl. Finally, around 9 am, the epidural arrived. I was so happy. I couldnt even think about how bad it would hurt because I was in so much pain already. Plus I was drugged. I sat up and leaned against the nurse while he prepped my back. I felt the stab of the lidocaine and jumped a little, but I didnt feel the cath going in. It started working immediately. My epidural, I have to say, was perfect. I was numb enough to not feel the same pain I had been feeling but I still felt pressure and could move my legs. I rested while I waited to dilate the rest of the way. I started feeling immense pressure and tried to hold her in. I felt like I needed to push. The nurse checked me and said I was still 8 1/2. crap. I really thought I couldnt hold her in. With each contraction I felt pressure. Finally after a couple of hours I knew I couldnt hold it anymore. GET THE NURSE I HAVE TO PUSH. Someone got her. I was checked. I was complete. FINALLY.

They started setting up the room and broke my bed down. I was in such a daze I could not believe this was happening. And God, was I tired already. The pain had worn me out. Everyone left the room but we had Cari stay to take pictures. This was not the original plan but I was so drugged I didnt care and I thought I would be happy to have the pictures later. The nurse had me do some practice pushes. And yes, I pooped on the table. I was happy I could feel everything so I knew when to push. I hear lots of women have such a strong epi that they cant feel ANYTHING. not me. I felt it all. The nurse announced she had hair. They could see the head. After about an hour of pushing the doctor came in to check it out. He watched me push a couple times. Apparently I would push her head down and it would go back up. He offered a couple of options, a vacuum assist and episiotomy possibly. I said fine, whatever it takes to get her out without c-section. I really didnt think I could push anymore. I was SO tired. The dr told me I could have her out in 10 more minutes if I pushed hard. So I did. Skyler was such a good supporter. He and Cari cheered me on while I pushed with all I had left. I felt the episiotomy. It didnt hurt but it felt WEIRD. The vacuum popped off the first time. I felt the most immense pressure and knew she was almost out. I slept between pushes. literally. I was that tired. I would wake up to the pressure of needing to push, push for a couple seconds then pass out again. Finally, I looked down and saw her as he pulled her out. I couldnt believe it, she was HERE. They suctioned her and she cried and she had hair, look at all that hair. The dr cut the cord and gave her to the nurse quickly. I was a little upset about this. One, I wanted Skyler to cut the cord, and two, I wanted her on my chest right away. They started cleaning her up and I watched from across the room.

Meanwhile, the dr pushed on my stomach and delivered the placenta. He proceeded to stitch me up, which I felt. I meant to count the stitches but was distracted by the beautiful baby across the room. She cried and I cried and I just couldnt believe that she was here. I finally got to hold her, and it was the most amazing moment of my life. She was so tiny, and looked just like Skyler. The lactation consultant came in and helped me breastfeed for the first time. This part is a little hazy for me because I was so tired. They took her to the nursery to be checked out, and the nurse helped me shower. I was so drugged and so tired, I just couldnt believe it was all over. My total labor was about 14 hours and I pushed for an hour and a half! We chose the name Autumn since she was born on the 23rd, the first day of fall, and Johanna after my Grandma Jo. It fits her just perfectly.

We spent the next 48 hours in a postpartum room. I had some type of infection that caused me to have a fever for a few hours, so I got a couple rounds of antibiotics through my IV. they never figured out what exactly was wrong. Autumn had a little trouble regulating her body temperature so she was put under the heat lamp a couple times. She also was a little jaundice so we had to supplement formula for the first few days. Breastfeeding was hard in the beginning. Every time a nurse came in the room I asked for help. It was frustrating and not what I expected. Im glad we had the extra day in the hospital so I could get more help. I had to get 7 shots of Rhogham because I had too much of baby's blood mixed in mine. My dr said he had never seen this in his last 11 years of practice. We were discharged on Sunday when everyone was announced healthy.

Here we are a week and a half later. Breastfeeding is getting a lot better. I didnt expect it to be this hard, but baby and I are learning together and it gets a little better each day. She is growing fast already and I cant hold her enough. She is the sweetest, most amazing thing I have ever seen, and I cant believe she grew inside me for 9 months. I kiss her constantly and just cant believe she is mine. Skyler is an amazing daddy and I love watching him with her.

Im actually pretty pleased with my recovery. I was down 15 pounds already when I was weighed a couple days ago, so just 10 more to go but I feel like it will come off quickly. My belly is almost back to normal and I have hardly any pain at all down below. I honestly dont feel like I delivered a baby a week ago and although I know I was in so much pain then I cant wait to do it again!!

just minutes after delivery

after her first bath

going home

family photo!

1 week post partum


Wednesday, September 21, 2011

2 days overdue

This. Is. Ridiculous. Today I am 2 days past my due date. I guess I always knew it was a possibility but I never really expected this. Whos 100% done being pregnant? this girl right  here. It would be a lot more bearable if I was not having contractions every 10 minutes for the last three days. Every time I feel anything I 100% overanalyze... "what was that?" or "is this IT?" or something of the sorts. I am praying, hoping, crossing fingers that today when I am at my doctors appointment that he will say ITS BABY TIME! and send me across the street to the hospital. But im kinda thinking... big fat chance. I feel like this baby is never coming out. On top of everything else, the dogs must "sense" that something is about to change because I cant even walk 5 feet without one of them clinging to me with a frantic "MOMMY DONT LEAVE ME!" look. Its bringing on odd behavior of wall staring and plant licking. (not me- the dogs) I have 3 major stage-5 clingers (4 if you count the baby who wont get out of my womb) Anyway, our last couple of nights have been filled with loooooooooooooong minutes of waiting (boring) and everytime I go to bed im thinking THIS IS THE NIGHT! and then I wake up the next morning... still pregnant. So GLAD I make such a nice warm home for you baby, but I signed up for 9 months- not 12- im not an elephant. EVICT! EVICT!

 So everyone cross fingers for me, that this girl makes her appearance soon! Until then, stick a fork in me. I. AM. DONE.

40 weeks

Friday, September 9, 2011

38 weeks 4 days...

So 10 days and counting... waiting for this little girl to make her appearance... any day now!! She is already proving to be just like her daddy: 1) stubborn and 2) trying to teach me patience.

I have to say im about to lose it. I pray every night before I go to bed that my water will break. When I wake up in the middle of the night to pee, I silently cross my fingers that I will stand up and feel a gush. but... NOTHING YET. sigh. At this point I feel like I am going to be pregnant forever. Im absolutely sure she has decided to stay in there until she is at least 18. Im glad my womb is a comfy cozy home and all, but this is an official eviction notice, baby, time to get OUT. I suppose it's only fitting to put a picture here:

and a frontal view since it actually LOOKS like a baby belly now.

I am so excited to meet this baby and see her precious face I cant stand it any longer!!! However its comforting to know that she will be here very, very soon. I must say im feeling pretty great. After having a week that I was "so positive" the baby was coming any minute, I have a pretty decent amount of energy, my weight gain has stopped, and im sleeping pretty well, (except for the 3-times-a-night-potty-breaks)

Everything is ready to go, the nursery is completely stocked and is missing just one thing... the baby! The only thing I have left to do is make some dinners to freeze. I bought the tupperware but havent actually made the food, haha, guess its a good thing I have one more week to get it done huh? We also have to install the car seat base (maybe daddy can do that this week) and set up the pack n play in our room, which Im planning on doing as soon as I go into labor. A couple of super cool things I thought I would share.

The Diaper Stash

we are still in limbo between the pampers and the huggies. I guess we will decide which ones we will officially be using once she gets here. But I have been stocking up everytime I get coupons or see an awesome diaper sale. The plan is to exchange the sizes we dont need, etc. Got a pretty good supply there!

Also neato: Her closet.
I spent 3 days washing baby clothes, refolding, and organizing. This is probably the nicest and neatest it will ever look. But can we say prepared??

I officially started my maternity leave last week, but im so bored sitting around waiting for this baby that I have decided to go back to work this weekend, (just for short shifts). After being home for a week I realized how quickly the time passes when im working, and im DYING to go back there. Not to mention its my only hint of a social life at this time. so, anytime now baby, would be great! We are all anticipating your arrival!

Saturday, September 3, 2011

A Letter To Little.

Dear Baby,

While daddy and I eagerly await your arrival, there are precious moments I know I am going to miss. Right now, I can be selfish without someone accusing me of being so. I have no way to share you, though I do alert daddy when you are kicking and moving so he can feel you too. However, one day soon, I will no longer feel your kicks, punches, rolls, and hiccups from the inside. I know I will miss this closeness that I have with you, but at the same time I know there will be so many more precious moments that we will share. Even still, I cannot help but think about the things I will miss once you are born.

I will miss the morning wake-up kicks before I get out of bed- its our quiet time together. It makes me wonder if you will love morning cuddle time just like your daddy.

I will miss those soft punches that sometimes cause my leg to stumble- I know you don't mean to cause me to stumble, and you're just saying hello and stretching out.

I will miss rubbing your booty and back when you press it hard against my belly. Or feeling your elbow and foot pressed against my side. I pretend it's you saying "hey mom, here I am."

I will miss your hiccups after I eat something yummy. It's as if you enjoyed the meal as much as I did.

I will miss knowing that I can protect you from anything, safe inside my belly, and I'm the only one that can do that.

I will miss the black and white ultrasound images of you moving around or peacefully sleeping. I know I have pictures to remember these events by, but there is something special about seeing you for the first time, watching you move for the first time, and hearing your heartbeat from the inside. I remember being so amazed seeing you at barely 6 weeks, just a speck on the screen, and then months later when you were fully formed with a round belly and kissable lips. These moments were remarkable and I will neve forget how I felt each time.

I know missing all of these things means that I will have you in my arms, which will be an even better feeling, but I will have to share you, too. Daddy will want to hold you, and there are plenty of people in our lives who will want to love on you too! That's a good thing... but for now, I will enjoy being selfish and continue to cherish our moments together until you decide you're ready to make your big debut. I can't wait to meet you, and kiss your face for the very first time. It's almost your birthday, little one, and its going to be the best day of my life.

Love, Mommy

P.S. Please come out with a nametag as I have no idea what we are naming you.

Friday, August 26, 2011

ready to be done.

WOW... I can't believe how quickly the days have passed. I remember being about 12 weeks and my friend Nicole telling me that I would get to the end of my pregnancy and wonder where the time has gone. Well, she was right, where has the time gone? I can't believe I will have an outside baby in less than a month! How do I feel?

1. Exhausted. Growing a baby is hard work. I never realized how long 9 months really is.
2. Stretched. Skin really is elastic.
3. Excited. I cannot wait to meet this baby. I cannot wait to see Skylers face the first time he holds her.
4. Irritated. Honestly, the end is the worst part of this waiting game. 3 weeks feels like an ETERNITY.
5. Prepared. I have spent the last nine months reading and stockpiling. We have everything we need and more.
Oh, and I should add hungry to the list, because apparently baby is going through a growth spurt (again) and I cant fill my gut enough.

I feel like this is one of those "just add water" situations. We have everything we need, now just have to put the baby in it! Still havent decided on a name. I keep having this daydream of them handing me my baby and me saying "happy birthday whatever your name is!!" (because I imagine I would tell her happy birthday, but who knows) We have already made it this far without a name, that we have both decided to take a favorite name list with us to the hospital and see what she looks like when she comes out. (hopefully cute as pie).

As lovely of an experience as this has been, im ready to be done. Baby, let this be heard, you have two more weeks to bake and im officially evicting you. 39 weeks is plenty of time to put on that baby fat and youre done. All this "40 week" nonsense is ridic. You dont need one extra week to put on 3 more pounds because remember, I HAVE TO PUSH YOU OUT. I refuse, repeat, refuse, to push out anything over 8(ish) pounds. I have a growing list of things that I would like to have or have happen after she is out of me.

1. Drink an extremely large sugar free redbull. Feel free to bring one to the hospital for me, anyone who is reading this. I hope its really cold and tastes as delicious and mouth tingling as I remember.
2. Sleep on my stomach. or my back. Heck, ill do both in one night, flip flopping back and forth repeatedly because ILL BE ABLE TO DO THAT without a large belly. SHRIEK.
3. Have a really cold beer. or two. Preferably draft but im not going to argue about it.
4. Coffee in the morning. I have spent the last 9 months worth of mornings smelling the delicious coffee that Skyler makes in the morning. If I was a bitch I would have pretended that coffee made me morning sick and told him he couldnt make it *just because I was so jealous everytime he had a cup* sigh. im such a good wife.
5. Have a large turkey sandwich. Although in the back of my mind I think this listeria nonsense is a load of crock.
6. Getting my body back. I miss my flat stomach and a lower number when I step on the scale.

Thats all I can think of for now, but im sure there are more things that my pregnancy brain is preventing me from thinking of right now.
I feel like since this is sort of a listing post maybe I should add one more thing.


1. Everything is fragile. You have to be so CAREFUL. all the time. DONT DO THAT YOURE PREGNANT. I can't even go outside for more than 5 minutes, per drs orders.
2. Sleep positioning. Right side or left side... not enough options.
3. Having to pee every 10 minutes and YES I HAVE TO PEE AGAIN IM PREGNANT STOP JUDGING ME
4. Everyone giving me their baby "advice". so. annoying. it seems like every time I give my input about something, someone is saying to me "oh wait until that baby gets here you will have a big wake up call" HELLO I wasnt born yesterday, I got it, babies are hard, yada yada yada. I think we can handle it.
5. My body is not mine. Its currently on loan to an alien inside, take a number.

I weigh 152 POUNDS. SCREAM.

the end.

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Nobody warned me about these aches and pains.

hello again! lots going on in the baby department. for one, we should start out with a photo...i dont think i look as pregnant as a feel. But i guess thats a good thing?

excuse the mess of hair on my head... if you were 29 weeks pregnant and wrestling dogs during 8 hour work days you would careless also.

She's definately in there, as you can see. Kicking like a maniac and asking me for chocolate frozen yogurt every 10 minutes. "mommy i dont want CARROTS i want CHOCOLATE!" and i think "well ok, if you INSIST, ill take a LARGE. with sprinkles." which may be the reason why i feel like i have gained 100 pounds, although i have only gained 13. At first i was like HOLY CRAP 13 POUNDS? THIRTEEN? THIRTEEN POUNDS? THATS MORE THAN I HAVE EVER WEIGHED IN MY LIFE.
But then i realized that most women at this point would have gained at least 20 so im feeling better about it. Its ok i have an after baby plan- TIGHTEN IT UPPP. (i do however, sometimes turn to skyler and say IS MY CHIN WADDLING? IS MY ARM FLAPPING?)... just to be sure.
SIGH. so nobody ever told me about the aches and PAINS involved in pregnancy. I was expecting all this vag pain to come AFTER i push the baby out. So the first morning i woke up and was waddling like an old lady, i asked my dr if it was normal. i frantically told him "Hi, i feel like someone kicked me in the crotch with a steel toed boot... is this normal???" (thinking surely, its not.) "oh yes, he says, and it only gets worse." WORSE? WORSE?? WHADAYA MEAN IT GETS WORSE???? HOW COULD THIS POSSIBLY HURT ANY MORE THAN IT ALREADY DOES???  .......

and then it got worse.

that dang doctor was right. another sigh. I have to sit on the edge of the bathtub to put my pants on because it hurts to lift my leg. ARE. YOU. KIDDING. ME. and i thought the hip pain was bad. HAHAHAHA.

ok rant over.

The nursery is coming together... its almost finished, the last touch will be to put her name on the wall (if we can ever decide.) and a few other small touches. But it looks really cute and im EXCITEDDD. the best part is the closet, thanks to my mom. It is extremely organized and looks AWESOME. pictures coming soon!
This Saturday is my baby shower. (so excited) The only thing that would make it better is if i can drink LOTS AND LOTS of wine with everyone else. (one thing im missing at the moment) BUT i figure this one year of sobriety can only be a benefit to my health. Im making up for it in frozen yogurt and donuts.
Besides all this nonsense the first trimester tiredness is coming back and all i want to do is snooze. unfortunately *but at the same time fortunately* im working so much i dont have time for naps. Im going to try to work up to the week or two before my due date, but for now im taking it week by week.
OH one more cool thing. I did this onesie gift exchange on a pregnany forum i participate in online. (its like a chat board for pregnant ladies due in September) pretty cool deal. But anyway, we each got a *secret* person and sent gifts in the mail to eachother. I was really excited to receive this:
cute right??? more clothes to add to our little squash's drawer (oh, since she doesnt have a name im calling her by the veggie/fruit that she is sized with each week. this week its squash.) i promise she wont REALLY be named Eggplant Davis.

Sunday, June 12, 2011

Couch Potato.

I cant believe I have been absent from my blog so long (feeling guilty here). Things have been craaazzyyyy lately (but at least I have stayed on top of the belly picture taking!!) Quick recap of what has gone on. Our nursery has made some progress, finally. The closet is organized and pictures are almost all hung. (pictures coming soon) Baby Davis ALMOST has a name, were between two right now. ITS A SECRET :) and shes growing and kicking like crazy. Im pretty sure im growing a mini Mia Hamm in there. My bladder is her favorite place to kick. The biggest news so far happened this last Friday. I was washing my neighbors dog and long story short, I dumbly put the leash around my foot to hold him. BIG MISTAKE, as he took of running. My feet went strait out from under me and I landed right on my side. He proceeded to drag me 5 feet before my foot came loose. I learned my lesson by spending the next 5 hours in labor and delivery. Baby is ok, but one contraction was enough for me to never want to do THAT again. Im on 24-48 hour bed rest. My mild cramps have continued over the last 24 hours but im working hard to keep baby an inside baby... still have 14 weeks to go!! (cant believe how time goes by)